About Ken Knight


Champion Trees

Professor Jerry Sortomme and I led annual tours of the Champion and Heritage trees of the south Santa Barbara Coast from 2001 until Covid stopped us in 2020. Although Jerry has left the area, I am still involved in locating, preserving, and sharing information about the largest species of trees in our state and nation. For more information on Champion Trees in the Santa Barbara County area, visit www.yourchildrenstrees.org/sb-trees. For the California Big Tree Directory, visit https://californiabigtrees.calpoly.edu. For the national directory of Champion trees, visit www.americanforests.org/get-involved/americas-biggest-trees/champion-trees-national-register.

Ken at the Champion ‘Sister Witness’ Sycamore in Old Town.

For more videos on Champion Trees, see www.yourchildrenstrees.org/sb-trees

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