Consulting Arborist Services
Areas Served:
Goleta, Santa Barbara, Montecito, Carpinteria, Santa Ynez, Buellton, Lompoc, Vandenburg Village, Orcutt, Santa Maria, Los Olivos, Los Alamos, and all communities within Santa Barbara County.
Ventura, San Luis Obispo and Los Angeles Counties – Call for appointment availability.
As a Registered Consulting Arborist and Board-Certified Master Arborist, I serve as a consultant and advisor to individuals, businesses, legal and governmental agencies, environmental organizations, homeowner associations, and other arborists in complex tree cases including:
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Real Estate Agents and those purchasing real estate may want to have a Consulting Arborist review the health and risk analysis of trees on the property.
Many cities have laws requiring the protection of native and specimen trees. I assist Landscape Architects, and Building Contractors in preparing tree protection plans before grading and construction that allow maximum use of a property while still incorporating existing trees.
Treating a tree for insect damage and disease begins with accurately identifying what your problems is, as well as identifying abiotic (non-living) problems.
My ISA Qualification in Tree Risk Assessment and experience can provide homeowners, businesses, insurance agents and anyone living near trees with the latest best management practices in identifying risks associated with your trees and how these risks can be mitigated and managed.
I provide unbiased forensic services for attorneys involved in tree disputes. I am also available to provide out-of-court mediation for tree disputes among neighbors.
As an ASCA Qualified Tree Appraiser, I provide monetary calculations of tree value.
I use Urban Forest Management System software to provide tree inventories with species, photos, geographic locations, and other tree data that can be presented in spreadsheet form for ease of ongoing tree management.
Planners and environmentalists interested in preserving very old trees, especially native oaks can use my services to understand how to care for old trees and provide techniques for extending their lives such as retrenchment pruning.
Municipalities, Schools, Special Districts , Homeowners Associations, and any agency responsible for tree care should have short- and long-range plans for managing their trees. As a consulting Arborist and former City Planner/Manager, I have experience in writing tree management plans that are tailored to your needs. The tree plans incorporate the latest American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards and International Society of Arboriculture Best Management Practices to provide specific guidance to tree care firms.
I can travel to your location to provide short (1-2 hours) and longer term practical hands-on field training to staff on the essential elements of tree care and basic pruning that specifically related to your situation.
I am available to speak at social, educational and community organizations about the benefits of trees. I am especially interested in Champion trees (the largest of their species) and I can provide individual tree and half day personal tours of the 20+ state and national champion trees on the south coast of Santa Barbara County.
As a Wildlife trained arborist, I have basic training in identifying locations where wildlife are located in trees, and can arrange to bring in wildlife biologists for further assistance in trees that require it.
Landscape installation and maintenance, pruning, cabling and support systems, spraying of insecticides/fungicides/fertilizer (requires Pest applicator license)